CONGRATS to our Silly Souls Friday Give-Away Winner Kristin Tousingnant!  Kristin…thanks for following our Silly Souls blog.  Email us at to claim your Silly Souls Prize Pack!   Didn’t win this week?  Want to try again next Friday??? All you have to do is subscribe to our Silly Souls blog on WordPress and you […]

Soften Often

I was out watering in our front yard the other day, when a mini van full of little ones went by, with a lovely Mama in the chauffeur’s seat. What caught my eye with this particular van, was that there was a box of donuts riding on the roof. Clearly, in the scramble to get kids in car-seats, […]

Frogs, Farts, and Feral Children

wild wīld/ adjective 1. (of an animal or plant) living or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated. Feral. OK.  That’s it!  You people who stand and watch us parents with the crooked pony tails, gum stuck to our butts, and wild things with sticky faces hanging out of our shopping carts…Move it […]

Hey Christmas…see ya later!

The boys are asleep, the smell of turkey and just-blown-out candles is lingering in the air.  I am (happily) 3/4 of the way through a bottle of Prosecco, and the mosh-pit of toys and gift wrap is jammed away in the garage, to be dealt with on a new day. Christmas: The conclusion. Ahhh. I […]

Lice and Fleas and Pins Worms, Oh My!

As a parent of three boys, I learn so many things that I likely wouldn’t have, had I chosen to not have children.  Some of the things I learn are wonderful.  Like how to get down on my stomach and really look, I mean REALLY LOOK at a how slow a slug moves across a […]

It’s Loud in Here

Wowza!  Where have I been?  I have to apologize for being on a bit hiatus from this blog. I have been bumping down the rolling, rollicking rapids of our crazy life.  Bouncing off doctor’s appointments, play dates, hockey practices, dog walks, work, boot camp (more on THAT soon – look for title: ABS where ARE […]

Making Time for Beef-Dips and Beach Trips

I am so excited tonight.  I am also exhausted.  Lately I am finding that weekends are busier than weekdays.  I was sitting at the hockey arena the other morning, and a Mama walked by with her tiny baby strapped to her chest.  As we admired how cute she looked, and how peaceful both Mama and […]